Crypsense Digital Group being the first crypto native capacity building & digital asset management
firm in Africa is honored to collaborate with HNP to make sure 300,000 canvacommunity
members become digital assets experts & most importantly know how to monetize
their skills to achieve the common goal of alienating extreme poverty across Africa
How are we going to achieve this?
Global extreme poverty is indeed drastic & not getting any better with inflation
at all-time high. 730M people living below $2 a day in the world with 70% (430M) of that
coming from Africa.
The sad truth is, we can’t save everyone & helping one person might not change
the world, but it would definitely change the world for one person at a time.
This in mind, Humanity Node Protocol has pioneered creating the world’s first
decentralized humanity tech solution to alleviate extreme poverty in relation
to the UN sustainable development goals stated in 2015 using blockchain. How?
Crypsense will conduct vigorous beginner-friendly online training on digital assets
for the 300,000 founding community members for free & the top-performing students
will get a chance to win free Humanity NFTS.
Each of them will be issued a wallet, NFT, and blockchain domain which will be used with
other tools to help them empower their lives
The 300,000 NFTs will have exponential growth in value in the future as the community
grows & more goals being achieved as outlined here
Founding Members will pledge a minimum of 100 hours of time contribution and
contribute a minimum of one hour a month PNR (Personal natural Resources) to help
create the HNP ecosystem.
They must complete at least one hour a month and will earn one token a month for 36
months as long as they complete their monthly tasks
The three ways the hours are monetized are
Synthetic employers list task on the HNP Platform and members complete
those task earning a daily wage that lifts them out of extreme poverty and creates value for the ecosystem
Top 100 Blockchain/Crypto projects hire the entire community to assist
with Blockchain Adoption processes and pay the community in their project token
Community Founded Startups utilize members pledged time to build their startup and upon success share equity/tokens with the community participants.
How do you enroll to be part of the training?
Register on the form
Participate in the Test (use link attached)
Attend our Zoom training sessions happening daily
Session 1
Time :
11:00 - 11:30 AM EAT
09:00 -09:30 AM WAT
10:00 - 10:30 AM SAT
Session 2
Time :
4:00 - 4:30 PM EAT
02:00 - 02:00 PM WAT
03:00 - 03:30 PM SAT
Note: Register before attending the zoom classes
You are all set now but, you need these 5 qualifications to qualify for the FREE Humanity Protocol NFTS:
Participate in the Quiz and fill out the survey form attached
Score >70% on the Quiz
Join our Telegram Community
Join our Crypsense Academy
Finally, follow our socials
NOTE: If you are conversant in Blockchain,Crypto and NFTs you can do the test without having to attend the zoom sessions.
By Kimani Alex
Digital assets research & trader at Crypsense Digital Group
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